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The podcast that teaches High Achieving Black Women how to use thought work to be her absolute best self, no matter the situation.

She will learn how not to let outside influences impact how she thinks and feels about herself or how she shows up in the world.

Each week, Master Mindset and Life Coach, Brig Johnson, combines coaching, a little bit of neurobiology, and practical easy to use tools to empower you to break barriers and become unstoppable.

Episode  38 – Let’s Talk Intimacy

Episode 38 – Let’s Talk Intimacy

As I reenter the world of dating I have been self-coaching on how I feel about this process. I find myself pondering the thought of how we show up to a date with the intention to actually get to know the other person and determine if there is a connection

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Episode  37 – Worry Window

Episode 37 – Worry Window

We all know that life comes with unavoidable physical and emotional pain. That seems to be a non-negotiable part of the deal. The negotiable part is how much time you will spend worrying about it.  If you have a legitimate reason to be stressed; then let yourself...

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Episode 36 – Brig’s Brain

Episode 36 – Brig’s Brain

In this episode, I discuss a few random topics that I have on my mind. This is a rant where I coach you through some thoughts that may be blocking your potential.

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Episode 35 – Good Hair REALLY? The C.R.O.W.N. Act!

Episode 35 – Good Hair REALLY? The C.R.O.W.N. Act!

Did you know that Black women are 80% more likely than women of other races to change their natural hair to meet social norms or expectations at work? Narrow beauty standards make it difficult for black women to freely celebrate their own beauty.

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Episode 33 – The Value of Coaching with Jane Jones, PhD

Episode 33 – The Value of Coaching with Jane Jones, PhD

A life coach is someone whose expertise is to support you in enhancing your life. A life coach acts as a guide to assist you in retraining your mind by adopting new ways of thinking, which can involve replacing harmful beliefs with positive and affirming ones in order for you to reach personal and professional fulfillment.

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Episode 32 – You Get to Tell Your Brain NO

Episode 32 – You Get to Tell Your Brain NO

We are not our thoughts. Thoughts are merely thoughts, they do not paint the picture of who we are. It’s not our thoughts themselves that bring things to fruition, it’s our actions. And so it is important to manage our thoughts so that we will take actions that will actually serve us.

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Episode 30 – Swearing and the Patriarchy

Episode 30 – Swearing and the Patriarchy

Women swear sometimes so let’s get over it. Patriarchy punishes women for profanity because it wants us to forever remain within the straitjacket of niceness and politeness. Well, I say F**k the patriarchy.

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Episode 29 – I’m Gonna F*ck This Up

Episode 29 – I’m Gonna F*ck This Up

Do you feel like you’ve accomplished a lot, but you still have more big scary goals that you want to achieve? You tell yourself “things are great right now, I don’t want to mess it up by starting something new”. Although you try to push those goals to the side, they remain persistent.

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Episode 28 – Your Leaving Your Goodt, Goodt

Episode 28 – Your Leaving Your Goodt, Goodt

It’s easy to have high aspirations. It’s much less easy to make those dreams and goals a reality. The truth is, many of us struggle with committing to bet on ourselves and go after our dreams and goals. Instead, you settle for the status quo.

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Episode 27 – From Slave Cabins to the White House

Episode 27 – From Slave Cabins to the White House

You are in for a treat with this episode! I am joined by a special guest, Dr. Koritha Mitchell. Listen in as we discuss homemade citizenship, the concept of creating your own belonging; discursive violence, the cruelty of stereotypes determining people’s impressions regardless of what you do; and know-your-place aggression, the backlash against Black and Brown success.

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Episode 26 – Your Brain Needs a Detective

Episode 26 – Your Brain Needs a Detective

What do you think it takes to achieve your goals? Hard work? Lots of actions? While these are necessary to becoming successful in reaching our goals, neither of these are possible without a positive mindset. Success in reaching our goals is determined by our mindsets. When you believe that we can achieve a goal our energy and actions will reflect that also.

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Episode 25 – Wrestling With a Thought

Episode 25 – Wrestling With a Thought

When we know how our mind works, we begin to see our thoughts in a new, truly empowering way. When we truly see the nature of thought for ourselves, our thoughts no longer have the weight they used to.

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Episode 24 – Are You Sending in Your Representative?

Episode 24 – Are You Sending in Your Representative?

Relationships are challenging and when you enter a relationship while toting along all sorts of baggage and actively hiding parts of yours yourself in an effort not to appear as the angry black woman, this can cause stress, anxiety, and resentment.

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Episode 23 – Emasculate…Is That Possible?

Episode 23 – Emasculate…Is That Possible?

The angry black woman stereotype shapes how others read and interpret the actions of Black women including how we treat our men. The angry black woman is portrayed as a woman who is stubborn and unreasonably quick to anger who enjoys emasculating the men close to them.

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Episode 22 – When The Angry Black Woman Stereotype Follows You Home

Episode 22 – When The Angry Black Woman Stereotype Follows You Home

In this episode we will focus on how the black woman’s experience is unique to that of black men and white women because even at home when we are relieved of the racial burden we are still carrying the load of the gender bias due to the Patriarchy. The patriarchy punishes women for having an opinion about anything because it wants us to forever remain within the straitjacket of niceness and politeness.

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Episode 21 – You’re Angry, NOW WHAT

Episode 21 – You’re Angry, NOW WHAT

Today we are continuing the series on the angry black woman stereotype. We are on a mission to reject the labels society has assigned to anger and will instead choose to see anger as an emotion that is part of the human experience and a tool that can help you become a better person. In this episode, we will be focusing on how to use your anger for you.

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Episode 20 – Stop Doing All the Things with Angela

Episode 20 – Stop Doing All the Things with Angela

Today I have another client spotlight for you. This story is amazing and I am sure that you will gain some valuable insight that you can apply in your own life. My guest today is Angela. Angela is a rock star and her transformation has only made her light shine even brighter. You will hear as Angela shares her journey from being a high –achieving woman who focused on all the actions

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Episode 19 -Let Them Be Wrong About You

Episode 19 -Let Them Be Wrong About You

I love the quote that says “other people’s opinion of me is none of my business”. It is so true. When others say something critical we tend to feel negative emotions about what was said because we make their judgments mean something about us in our minds.

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Episode 18 -Yes, I’m Angry and I’m a Black Woman, So what?

Episode 18 -Yes, I’m Angry and I’m a Black Woman, So what?

Why do others get the right to be angry and not black women? Why are we charged with managing how others see us as if that is even possible? We are entitled to feel our anger and any other emotion. This is part of our experience and should not be shunned because of society’s narrative. If you have been conforming to this cultural stereotype, then I want to encourage you to start today by giving yourself permission to be angry.

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Episode 17 – Getting Off of The Mental Hamster Wheel With Marcia

Episode 17 – Getting Off of The Mental Hamster Wheel With Marcia

Is your mind stuck running on a hamster wheel that you can’t get off of? This is when your mind goes round and round with intrusive repetitive thoughts leaving you stressed out and exhausted. In today’s episode, my client Marcia will share with you her experience on the mental hamster wheel and how she used coaching with me to put her thoughts in check

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Episode 16 – We Don’t Need to, We Choose to.

Episode 16 – We Don’t Need to, We Choose to.

If we want to evolve and grow into something more, the best gift that we can give ourselves is to love ourselves where we are, accepting ourselves where we are, and saying I want to choose something different as opposed to needing to change. The word need suggests that the desire is a requirement, duty, or lack of something deemed necessary

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Episode 15 – Happy Black Girl Magic Day

Episode 15 – Happy Black Girl Magic Day

Happy Black Girl Magic day #BlackGirlMagic! Today we celebrate the beauty, power, and resilience of Black women. This episode is especially important to me because as you know my passion is to serve high-achieving Black women. #BlackGirlMagic is all about celebrating yourself and celebrating your sisters.

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Episode 14 – Cultivate Your Shero

Episode 14 – Cultivate Your Shero

Did you know that the most important relationship that you can cultivate is the one with yourself? Having a relationship with yourself is, like any relationship, difficult and full of ups and downs.

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Episode 11 – Be Your Own DOPA-MAN

Episode 11 – Be Your Own DOPA-MAN

Now that we’re well on our way to shifting our goal relationship status from convenience to committed, how do we maintain that commitment to be able to see the goal through to completion? The key ingredient to staying motivated on our journeys and to remain in the...

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Episode 10 – What’s Your Goal Relationship Status – Part 2

Episode 10 – What’s Your Goal Relationship Status – Part 2

Today we are continuing our conversation about our goal relationship status. So last week we discussed three goal relationship statuses, the committed (‘til death do us part), the live-in (I’m good until you try me, then I’m out), and the booty call (you’re my little secret, no one knows you exist).

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Episode 09 – What’s Your Goal Relationship Status

Episode 09 – What’s Your Goal Relationship Status

Commitment is one of the key ingredients for being successful in your goals. If you’re not fully committed to a goal, then the goal is just convenience. You’ll give up too quickly, work with less determination, and make unintentional decisions.

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Episode 07 – How to Create Love

Episode 07 – How to Create Love

We may believe that self-love is simply a state of feeling good because of the actions that support our physical and mental growth. But it’s a bit more dynamic than that.

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Episode 06 – Opportunities to Love Yourself

Episode 06 – Opportunities to Love Yourself

Amazing things can happen when we start loving ourselves more. This means loving ourselves through all seasons of life. Good things and bad things happen to everyone, but the individuals who are most happy are the ones who manage both with ease and grace.

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Episode 05 – Celebrate Yourself

Episode 05 – Celebrate Yourself

Celebrating ourselves means taking time to recognize and acknowledge what we’ve done. Unfortunately, many of us don’t take the time to celebrate our life and our daily accomplishments.

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Episode 04 – The Snatch Back

Episode 04 – The Snatch Back

Do you keep on promising yourself that “one day” you’ll go after your goals, but you just can’t seem to push yourself outside of your comfort zone?

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Episode 03 – Playing Fetch

Episode 03 – Playing Fetch

We have thousands of thoughts running through our minds at any moment and so whatever we choose to focus on and think is what our brain will seek evidence to prove.

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Looking for a specific episode?

Ep. 139 The Pathologizing Of PEOPLE PLEASING

Get ready Queens. Today's episode is a little spicy! We are talking about pathologizing people-pleasing and the first thing I want you to know is that people-pleasing is perfectly normal and NOT an identity. Listen in as I share how you can determine if you are...

EP. 138 Learning To Thrive In Her Business

Being too big for your britches is defined as being conceited or self-important. What this statement is saying to me is there is a “right” way and a” wrong” way to be confident. There is nothing more fearful for a high-achieving black woman than the possibility of...

EP. 137 Is There Such A Thang As “TOO BIG FOR YOUR BRITCHES”?

Being too big for your britches is defined as being conceited or self-important. What this statement is saying to me is there is a “right” way and a” wrong” way to be confident. There is nothing more fearful for a high-achieving black woman than the possibility of...

EP. 136 {Throwback}: You Get to Tell Your Brain NO

We are not our thoughts. Thoughts are merely thoughts, they do not paint the picture of who we are.  It’s not our thoughts themselves that bring things to fruition, it’s our actions. And so it is important to manage our thoughts so that we will take actions that will...

EP. 134 An Interview With The January Cohort Of Deeply Rooted

I am so excited to share this conversation with four amazing cohorts from January's Deeply Rooted Group Coaching Program, Pamela, Franchelle, Ruth, and Janae. This is a sneak peek into the transformations you can experience from coaching and how it keeps paying off...

EP. 133 Panic: The Hidden Enemy To Your Success

Today we are talking about the invisible enemy that often stops us from completing our assignments, reaching our goals, enjoying our relationships and truly realizing our potential in our journey toward high achievement. It's called panic. Panic is a sudden,...

EP. 131 Feeling TRAPPED? Listen to this!

Feeling trapped for us as black women is very common. Feeling trapped can lead to an increase of stress hormones, and if it continues for a long, it can also lead to completely disengaging with our lives where we will go from fighting it or fleeing it to saying f*@k...

EP. 130 I’m Spilling The Tea Of My Stress Journey

 Sometimes we become so lost in what’s going on around us that we lose touch with the most important person in our lives, ourselves. Checking in with yourself means making intentional steps to pay attention to how you feel on an emotional, mental, and physical level....

EP. 129 The DISCOMFORT ZONE: How To Embrace It

This episode is a call to embrace discomfort. Most of us embrace comfort and resist anything that may lead to discomfort. This is because we can only embrace what we are not afraid of. Evolutionary wise, we were designed to seek comfort– to seek pleasure and to stay...

EP. 126 Stop Apologizing To You For YOU!

Apologizing to you for being you is like you have this, “ I'm sorry, I am the way I am” kind of vibe going on. This may not be something that you do subconsciously or even to other people, but apologizing to you for being you is an internal discourse within you that...

EP. 124 What to do after a F*%k up

Continuing our conversation from EP. 121 Bad Things Happen To Good Girls, EP. 122 Redefining GOODT ENUFF, and EP. 123 Suffering and the GOODT Black Women MENTALITY, today we are talking about what to do when you don't get the results you want. So we’ve been focusing...

EP. 123 Suffering and the GOODT Black Women MENTALITY

Continuing our conversation from episodes, EP. 121 Bad Things Happen To Good Girls and EP. 122 Redefining GOODT ENUFF, today we are talking about  suffering. As we discussed previously, we have certain thought errors that are holding us back from growing and thriving...

EP. 122 Redefining GOODT ENUFF

In this week's conversation, I'm expanding on the discussion started in last week's episode, EP. 121 Bad Things Happen To Good Girls, around the good girl syndrome. Last week I shared that we think if we are living by the standard of the good girl, then the good girl...

EP. 121 Bad Things Happen To Good Girls

Have you ever asked yourself these questions: Am I a bad girlfriend if I reply to texts late? Am I a terrible friend for canceling plans? Am I a bad person if I don't have a certain amount of money? What you're grappling with is the “good girl syndrome”. From...

EP. 119 Our Bodies As Property: An Interview With Dr. Zakiya Luna

In this episode, I'm joined by Dr. Zakiya Luna. Dr. Luna is an Associate Professor of Sociology, a Dean's Distinguished Professorial Scholar, a great friend of mine, an author, and a participant in Deeply Rooted. Her work focuses on social movements, reproductive...

EP. 118 What Happens When We Increase Our STRESS Capacity?

 Stress has become an unavoidable side effect of life as a high-achieving woman. My goal is not to help you become stress-free but to help you have freedom from stress. The best way to tackle rising stress levels is to prepare ourselves and begin to learn how to...

EP. 117 Are you STRESS Aware?

Stress is everywhere; it impacts everyone and pervades all aspects of our lives. And over time it can negatively impact your health and well-being. How you manage stress is related to your thoughts about yourself, your relationship with yourself, your relationship...

EP. 116 Come Fail With Me! My Challenge To You

I know it is the eve of Valentine's Day, but guess what? I won’t be talking about love in this episode. Instead, I want to continue the conversation around failure because I want us as black women to drop the mask, do our epic sh*t, and embrace failure along the...

EP. 115 Stress and Speed of Implementation

Happy Black History Month! To add to the celebration, I’d like to continue our conversation around failure. In EP. 104 I feel the NEED for SPEED! I shared that as black women, we struggle with failure since historically it’s a safety issue for us to take imperfect...

EP. 114 The Value of Coaching With Janae Young

On this episode, I'm joined by another one of my amazing clients, Janae Young. Janae is a college coach who helps students reach their goal scores and get into their dream schools. She’s been an entrepreneur for six years now, having started her business right after...

EP. 113 When ”They” Talk About You

Today we are talking about the dreaded F word, failure. As high-achieving women of color, when we're getting ready to do our epic shit, it's not a matter of if we're going to fail, it's when. To accomplish our epic shit means we are going against the grain. We are...

EP. 112 The Value of Coaching With Shiro Bergbauer

On this Breakthrough with Brig Podcast episode, I'm joined by Shiro Bergbauer, a private and group coaching client. Shiro is a wife, mom, Life Coach, and certified registered nurse anesthetist. As a Life Coach, she helps women overcome overwhelm and mom guilt, have...

EP. 111 When Your Brain Makes Sense

It’s that time of year again – when everyone is talking about New Year’s Resolutions, things to improve upon, change or become better in the new year. I’m not a huge fan of resolutions, however, I am a big fan of goals – of dedicated hard work day after day to work...

Episode 109 {THROWBACK} Let’s Talk Intimacy

Today we are doing a throwback of one of my favorite podcast episodes, EP. 38 Let's Talk Intimacy. This episode is not only one of my favorites but also covers one of the main concepts of my group coaching program, Deeply Rooted. The essence of what we need to do as...

Episode 108 When They Ask About YOUR LITTLE THANG!

It's the holiday season, and with that comes social gatherings. For us, high-achieving women, this also means we will have to face that dreaded question from those who do not support our epic shit – how is that LITTLE THANG you've been working on? Your thought in this...

Episode 107 What’s In The Way Of You Creating Your EPIC-NESS

We all want our lives to be up-leveled and more fulfilling. So what is in the way of us creating our epic-ness? Let's explore this. When it comes to creating our epic shit, there are some things I notice that we don't do as black women, and it's costing us. I want to...

Episode 106 The Other Side of GRATITUDE

“Just be grateful for what you have.” Are you familiar with this statement? Today we are challenging this old rule of being grateful for what you have because this is a standard of being that many of us have accepted without question. If you think you should just be...

Episode 105 The Value of Coaching Series with Franchelle Caesar

I am so excited to bring you another client spotlight episode. You all know how much I love these conversations! Today we are chatting with Franchelle Caesar. Franchelle is the Financial Coach for spenders. She coached with me for a total of 1 year as a 1:1 client and...

Episode 104 I feel the NEED for SPEED

I believe in the power of being in rooms with people who think at a higher level than you do, because it causes you to rethink your current thoughts and your current reality, then you can have the possibility to change some of those thoughts and start growing. And so,...

Episode 103 IDK Ville

Saying “I don’t know” and adopting a growth mindset are powerful means for becoming smarter and more skilled individuals. This allows you to get curious, creative and ask questions so that you can obtain the knowledge you currently lack. There is a flip side to saying...

Episode 102 It Is What It Is, Or Is It?

According to, “It is what it is”, is an expression used to characterize a frustrating or challenging situation that a person believes cannot be changed and must just be accepted. When we say, “it is what it is”, we think that we're being kind to...

Episode 101 – The Value of Coaching Series with Dielle Charon

This conversation is a special one because I am joined today by my private client, Dielle Charon, and by the time this episode is released she will be celebrating reaching the $1M mark in her business. I am so excited for her. Congratulations Queen! As a business...

Episode 100 The Best Of The Breakthrough With Brig Podcast

 Welcome to episode 100! This is an episode of celebrations. Not only are we celebrating our 100th podcast episode, but we are also celebrating over 33K downloads, receiving 36 reviews with 5-star ratings on Apple Podcast, and helping so many amazing high-achieving...

Episode 99 – Sheroism vs Toxic Positivity

With every life experience,  your relationships, your achievements, and your failures are all open to interpretation. The most important decision you’ll make about every life experience is the meaning you assign to it. And that meaning will either hold you back or...

Episode 98 – Visibility Capacity

Visibility capacity is our ability to allow our full selves to be seen in our life and work. When it’s out of alignment, it shows up as feeling stuck, uncomfortable, and lacking discipline and willpower. But when our visibility capacity is in full bloom, we stop...

Episode 97 – It’s Gonna Be HARD QUEEN!

When it comes to your epic shit, have you decided that it's going to be hard? I think we can all agree that accomplishing your epic shit is hard. It requires a great deal of self-responsibility and accountability. Not only that, but you have to be consistent in your...

Episode 96 – What I Really Help My Clients With

Over the past four years, I have spent countless hours coaching high-achieving women of color to change their life and accomplish their epic shit. While I am clear on what I do and how I help people, I want to make sure that you are also clear on what I do and exactly...

Episode 95 – Is your Love on Auto-Pilot?

In a world that keeps preaching on and on about self-love, it’s hard to believe that self-love is not easy. In fact, self-love, much like other forms of love, takes work, time, and patience to cultivate. We've been sold this bill of goods that says love should come...

Episode 94 – The Value of Coaching Series with Karen Livingstone

As high-achieving women of color, we know what it feels like to walk into a room and be the only one who looked like you. To be asked your opinion on a project that lacks diversity and inclusion. To frequently be asked to participate in conversations where the...

Episode 93 – Ready is not a THANG!

Queen, are you waiting to level up when you feel ready? Are you waiting to solve for everything that can possibly happen before you take the next step? Listen, ready is not a thang! “Being ready” is a measure of whether we think we will fail or succeed at something,...

Episode 92 – Paying Full-Price, WAT??

Hey guys! Welcome back to the podcast. This is a super quick message because I wanted to get it in its rawest form. To explain this point I will use the example of a purchase. When it comes to making a purchase, we often get really excited when we are able to get the...

Episode 91 – The Hope of Our Wrongness

 Have you ever felt that when bad things happen, that must mean that you are not a good person, like, karma has come to get you? And so you go on a search to find what is wrong in hopes of fixing it so that everything will be good again. It’s like there is this hope...

Episode 90 When Wrong Feels so RIGHT!

Most of us know that dopamine is called the seeking hormone, the feel-good hormone but did you know that dopamine can also be called the predictive hormone? You see, dopamine is released, when the world meets our expectations or exceeds them. This is why in scenarios...

About Brig

Brig Johnson is a Master Certified Life Coach, on a mission to help HIGH ACHIEVING Black Woman Win by shifting their mindset. 

Brig’s unique approach combines her knowledge as an Advanced Practice health care provider with her skill as a Life coach. She gets laser-focused on thought loop errors her clients may be experiencing and explains it in such a way that her clients have more clarity.  She not only walks her clients through the process of releasing and replacing beliefs that keep them stuck, but she explains why they are there in the first place.

Her brash, direct style helps clients see themselves with clarity.  And her compassion for the work keeps them coming back.  

Her clients GET RESULTS through the process of creating a personal revolution in their thinking, and her signature  3 step process is easy and effective.  

After coaching with her, you will be your OWN SHERO creating a life you LOVE to live, recognizing your worth through sufficiency in every situation.