In this third and final installment of the series “The Betrayal of the Black Woman”, Brig introduces us to the “Freedom Formula,” a powerful tool for breaking free from the chains of external validation and societal expectations. Brig also introduces the concept of “freedom indicators”—signs that you’re living the Freedom Formula—and provides actionable steps to opt out of others’ equations and into your own power.
Imagine a life where you’re not plagued by 3 a.m. anxiety, second-guessing your decisions, or dimming your light to make others comfortable. This episode offers practical steps to achieve that freedom, from setting boundaries to prioritizing self-care.
Tune in to discover how to prioritize yourself, manage your energy, and set personal expectations that liberate you from emotional whiplash. It’s time to reclaim our peace, power, and happiness.
For those ready to take the next step, our Impact One-On-One Coaching offers personalized guidance to help you fully embrace the Freedom Formula. It’s time to opt out of their formulas and into your power.