Today, I want to talk about something that I think is important for us to understand and that is the difference between our objective, our tactics, and understanding the strategy behind them.
As high-achieving women, we are very clear about our objectives. We know exactly what it is that we want to achieve.
What I want to help us gain clarity around is the tactics that we choose to use to accomplish the objective. It is important for us to know that using tactics without a deeper understanding of the strategy behind them can lead to outcomes that we don’t necessarily like. And a lot of times, not only do they not work, but they send us backward.
Listen in as I share how you can select the correct tactic you need to accomplish your objective by identifying the appropriate strategy to execute the tactic.
And if you need additional support with releasing the good girl standard of living, get on the waitlist for the Deeply Rooted Group Coaching Program by visiting for more details.