EP. 155 How I’m Breaking Through My RUT

EP. 155 How I’m Breaking Through My RUT

Last week, I spilled the tea about being knee-deep in a rut, and today, I’m sharing how I’m clawing my way out. I’ve cooked up a secret sauce, a formula that’s turning my rut into a runway for success. It’s not about forcing change but...
EP. 155 How I’m Breaking Through My RUT

EP. 154 How To Know When You’re In A RUT!

In this episode, we explore ruts as essential components of our lives, representing those phases when life seems uninspired and monotonous. Ruts are a part of life, and finding ourselves in them is normal. However, they can impact our sense of purpose and vitality....
EP. 155 How I’m Breaking Through My RUT

EP. 153 When They Moved On And You Haven’t

Past traumas or events – such as a devastating breakup, have created memories – conscious and subconscious, which have imprinted themselves in our brain, body, and nervous system. That’s why it can feel impossible to move on from because they all feel like...
EP. 155 How I’m Breaking Through My RUT

EP. 152 Are You Struggling To Make A Decision?

In this episode, I dive deep into the factors that often hold us back from making decisions and taking action, especially as women of color. We explore the three critical elements: belief, authority, and impact, that can paralyze us with indecision. I challenge the...