Stress has become an unavoidable side effect of life as a high-achieving woman.
My goal is not to help you become stress-free but to help you have freedom from stress.
The best way to tackle rising stress levels is to prepare ourselves and begin to learn how to recover from these unexpected and increasingly difficult stressors. Meaning we must increase our stress capacity. This will help us to face bigger challenges with confidence.
This episode will offer insight on what happens when we increase our stress capacity by increasing our recovery skills.
And if you want more support with improving your capacity for stress recovery, I invite you to join my Deeply Rooted Group Coaching Program. This is the container created just for you where you can master self-awareness by increasing our ability to understand and predict our responses to stress and develop the skills to compassionately increase our capacity for stress so we can continue to create our epic shit.
Doors are open now. Register here