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The podcast that teaches High Achieving Black Women how to use thought work to be her absolute best self, no matter the situation.

She will learn how not to let outside influences impact how she thinks and feels about herself or how she shows up in the world.

Each week, Master Mindset and Life Coach, Brig Johnson, combines coaching, a little bit of neurobiology, and practical easy to use tools to empower you to break barriers and become unstoppable.

EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

EP.194 [Women Winning Series] Turning Workplace ‘No’s Into Wins: Velera Wilson on Navigating Rejection and Rising Above

In this special edition of the Women Winning Series, Brig sits down with Valera Wilson, the author of “You Are Absolutely Worth It” and a seasoned marketing strategist. Her journey from grappling with self-doubt to becoming a beacon of empowerment for others is not just inspirational—it’s a roadmap for anyone ready to own their value in every space they occupy.

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

EP. 190 The Value of Coaching with Tawny Ann De La Peña

In this eye-opening episode, Brig sits down with Twany, a client and fellow coach, to discuss the intricacies of coaching across different marginalized identities. Twany shares her transformative journey, revealing how coaching helped her navigate complex family dynamics and uncover hidden strengths.

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

EP. 188 The Value of Coaching with TaVona

Ever wondered what it’s like to have a friend who’s also your coach? In this heartwarming and insightful episode, Brig welcomes her bestie and fellow coach, TaVona, to dive deep into the unique dynamics of their “froach” relationship.

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

EP. 156 The Value of Coaching With Marlene McNally

Join me in this eye-opening episode featuring Life and Mindset Coach, Marlene McNally, as we dive deep into breaking societal norms for Black women. Marlene shares her journey of self-discovery, challenging the expectations of perfection and embracing vulnerability.

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

EP. 155 How I’m Breaking Through My RUT

In this episode, we explore ruts as essential components of our lives, representing those phases when life seems uninspired and monotonous. Ruts are a part of life, and finding ourselves in them is normal.

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

EP. 154 How To Know When You’re In A RUT!

In this episode, we explore ruts as essential components of our lives, representing those phases when life seems uninspired and monotonous. Ruts are a part of life, and finding ourselves in them is normal.

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

EP. 152 Are You Struggling To Make A Decision?

In this episode, I dive deep into the factors that often hold us back from making decisions and taking action, especially as women of color. We explore the three critical elements: belief, authority, and impact, that can paralyze us with indecision.

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

EP. 149 Honoring Our Grieve Within Our GROWTH

You know, sometimes our need is simply to grieve, and that’s perfectly okay. We’ll explore the different facets of grief, from understanding involuntary grief, like unexpected losses, to embracing voluntary grief, where we choose to make changes but still feel the loss.

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

EP. 148 Breaking The Stigma Of Neediness

In this episode, I delve into the often stigmatized concept of neediness, particularly as it pertains to black women. Listen in as I challenge the negative perceptions around neediness, emphasizing that acknowledging and honoring our emotional needs is a strength, not a weakness.

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

EP. 147 When Your Brain Is Ruminating Bring In B.A.E

What to do when your brain is messing with you, causing endless rumination and stress. I call it BOO Brain, that state when your mind is stuck in a loop of “what ifs” and worst-case scenarios. But fear not, I’ve got a game-changing protocol for you: B.A.E.

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

Ep. 143 Do This If You’re Feeling Like You’ve Gone Backwards

In this personal and candid episode, I’m taking you through my quest to gain muscle and shed weight, sharing the highs and lows of my journey. If you’ve ever felt shame for not being where you used to be, this is for you. From a daring birthday photoshoot to pandemic challenges, I’ll show you how I learned that it’s not about recreating the past, but reinventing your future.

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

Ep. 141 Increasing Capacity With Kirsten Roldan

Join me in welcoming our guest, Kirsten Roldan. She’s a client of mine and a business coach with two incredible programs: “Million Dollar Email” and “Million Dollar CEO.” These programs are designed to help coaches and service providers master email marketing, team systems, and mindset strategies for scaling their businesses to a million dollars.

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

Ep. 139 The Pathologizing Of PEOPLE PLEASING

Get ready Queens. Today’s episode is a little spicy! We are talking about pathologizing people-pleasing and the first thing I want you to know is that people-pleasing is perfectly normal and NOT an identity.

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

EP. 138 Learning To Thrive In Her Business

Being too big for your britches is defined as being conceited or self-important. What this statement is saying to me is there is a “right” way and a” wrong” way to be confident. There is nothing more fearful for a high-achieving black woman than the possibility of stepping outside of what is the norm.

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

EP. 137 Is There Such A Thang As “TOO BIG FOR YOUR BRITCHES”?

Being too big for your britches is defined as being conceited or self-important. What this statement is saying to me is there is a “right” way and a” wrong” way to be confident. There is nothing more fearful for a high-achieving black woman than the possibility of stepping outside of what is the norm.

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

EP. 135 A Rebirth Story: What Happens When We Let Go Of SHAME With Pamela Deneuve

This is a special bonus episode because I wanted to give you a peek inside the DEEPLY ROOTED program and share some of the results and transformations that my clients have experienced.In this episode, I am chatting with Pamela Deneuve, Life Coach for Lawyers. Listen in as we discuss her rebirth story– how she was able to let go of shame to feel more at peace and have more confidence in herself, her actions, and her life choices.

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

EP. 134 An Interview With The January Cohort Of Deeply Rooted

This conversation with four amazing cohorts from January’s Deeply Rooted Group Coaching Program (Pamela, Franchelle, Ruth, and Janae.) is a sneak peek into the transformations you can experience from coaching and how it keeps paying off even after you’ve left the coaching container.

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

EP. 133 Panic: The Hidden Enemy To Your Success

Today we are talking about the invisible enemy that often stops us from completing our assignments, reaching our goals, enjoying our relationships and truly realizing our potential in our journey toward high achievement. It’s called panic.

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

EP. 131 Feeling TRAPPED? Listen to this!

Feeling trapped for us as black women is very common. Feeling trapped can lead to an increase of stress hormones, and if it continues for a long, it can also lead to completely disengaging with our lives where we will go from fighting it or fleeing it to saying f*@k it.

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

EP. 130 I’m Spilling The Tea Of My Stress Journey

Sometimes we become so lost in what’s going on around us that we lose touch with the most important person in our lives, ourselves. Checking in with yourself means making intentional steps to pay attention to how you feel on an emotional, mental, and physical level. So, when was the last time you checked in on yourself?

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

EP. 129 The DISCOMFORT ZONE: How To Embrace It

This episode is a call to embrace discomfort.Most of us embrace comfort and resist anything that may lead to discomfort. This is because we can only embrace what we are not afraid of. Evolutionary wise, we were designed to seek comfort– to seek pleasure and to stay the same.

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

EP. 126 Stop Apologizing To You For YOU!

Apologizing to you for being you is like you have this, “ I’m sorry, I am the way I am” kind of vibe going on. This may not be something that you do subconsciously or even to other people…

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

EP. 124 What to do after a F*%k up

Continuing our conversation from EP. 121 Bad Things Happen To Good Girls, EP. 122 Redefining GOODT ENUFF, and EP. 123 Suffering and the GOODT Black Women MENTALITY, today we are talking about what to do when you don’t get the results you want.

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

EP. 123 Suffering and the GOODT Black Women MENTALITY

Continuing our conversation from episodes, EP. 121 Bad Things Happen To Good Girls and EP. 122 Redefining GOODT ENUFF, today we are talking about  suffering. As we discussed previously, we have certain thought errors that are holding us back from growing and thriving in our epic-ness. When we think that we’re not being the “good girl” , problems happen, then we make it a problem that we have a problem.

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

EP. 122 Redefining GOODT ENUFF

In this week’s conversation, I’m expanding on the discussion started in last week’s episode, EP. 121 Bad Things Happen To Good Girls, around the good girl syndrome. Last week I shared that we think if we are living by the standard of the good girl, then the good girl doesn’t have problems, and so we believe having a problem is a problem, but it’s not.

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

EP. 121 Bad Things Happen To Good Girls

From childhood, many women are socialized to please others, at the cost of their own well-being or needs. The world is screaming: If you’re good, nothing bad will happen to you. And so we adopt the idea that good girls don’t upset people, good girls don’t put herself first, good girls don’t disappoint others.

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

EP. 117 Are you STRESS Aware?

Stress is everywhere; it impacts everyone and pervades all aspects of our lives. And over time it can negatively impact your health and well-being. How you manage stress is related to your thoughts about yourself, your relationship with yourself, your relationship with others, your relationship with your work, and your relationship with your epic sh*t.

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

EP. 116 Come Fail With Me! My Challenge To You

I know it is the eve of Valentine’s Day, but guess what? I won’t be talking about love in this episode. Instead, I want to continue the conversation around failure because I want us as black women to drop the mask, do our epic sh*t, and embrace failure along the journey.

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

EP. 115 Stress and Speed of Implementation

Happy Black History Month!

To add to the celebration, I’d like to continue our conversation around failure. In EP. 104 I feel the NEED for SPEED! I shared that as black women, we struggle with failure since historically it’s a safety issue for us to take imperfect action

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

EP. 114 The Value of Coaching With Janae Young

On this episode, I’m joined by another one of my amazing clients, Janae Young. Janae is a college coach who helps students reach their goal scores and get into their dream schools. She’s been an entrepreneur for six years now, having started her business right after her 15th birthday.

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

EP. 113 When ”They” Talk About You

Today we are talking about the dreaded F word, failure. As high-achieving women of color, when we’re getting ready to do our epic shit, it’s not a matter of if we’re going to fail, it’s when. 

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

EP. 112 The Value of Coaching With Shiro Bergbauer

On this Breakthrough with Brig Podcast episode, I’m joined by Shiro Bergbauer, a private and group coaching client. Shiro is a wife, mom, Life Coach, and certified registered nurse anesthetist. As a Life Coach, she helps women overcome overwhelm and mom guilt, have better boundaries, and thriving relationships.

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

EP. 111 When Your Brain Makes Sense

It’s that time of year again – when everyone is talking about New Year’s Resolutions, things to improve upon, change or become better in the new year. I’m not a huge fan of resolutions, however, I am a big fan of goals – of dedicated hard work day after day to work towards your epic sh*t.

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

Episode 109 {THROWBACK} Let’s Talk Intimacy

Today we are doing a throwback of one of my favorite podcast episodes, EP. 38 Let’s Talk Intimacy. This episode is not only one of my favorites but also covers one of the main concepts of my group coaching program, Deeply Rooted.

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

Episode 108 When They Ask About YOUR LITTLE THANG!

It’s the holiday season, and with that comes social gatherings. For us, high-achieving women, this also means we will have to face that dreaded question from those who do not support our epic shit – how is that LITTLE THANG you’ve been working on?

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

Episode 106 The Other Side of GRATITUDE

“Just be grateful for what you have.” Are you familiar with this statement? Today we are challenging this old rule of being grateful for what you have because this is a standard of being that many of us have accepted without question.

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

Episode 104 I feel the NEED for SPEED

I believe in the power of being in rooms with people who think at a higher level than you do, because it causes you to rethink your current thoughts and your current reality, then you can have the possibility to change some of those thoughts and start growing.his allows you to get curious, creative and ask questions so that you can obtain the knowledge you currently lack.

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

Episode 103 IDK Ville

Saying “I don’t know” and adopting a growth mindset are powerful means for becoming smarter and more skilled individuals. This allows you to get curious, creative and ask questions so that you can obtain the knowledge you currently lack.

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

Episode 102 It Is What It Is, Or Is It?

According to, “It is what it is”, is an expression used to characterize a frustrating or challenging situation that a person believes cannot be changed and must just be accepted.

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

Episode 100 The Best Of The Breakthrough With Brig Podcast

Welcome to episode 100! This is an episode of celebrations. Not only are we celebrating our 100th podcast episode, but we are also celebrating over 33K downloads, receiving 36 reviews with 5-star ratings on Apple Podcast, and helping so many amazing high-achieving women of color create their epic shit!

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

Episode 99 – Sheroism vs Toxic Positivity

With every life experience,  your relationships, your achievements, and your failures are all open to interpretation. The most important decision you’ll make about every life experience is the meaning you assign to it. And that meaning will either hold you back or push you forward.

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

Episode 98 – Visibility Capacity

Visibility capacity is our ability to allow our full selves to be seen in our life and work.

When it’s out of alignment, it shows up as feeling stuck, uncomfortable, and lacking discipline and willpower. But when our visibility capacity is in full bloom, we stop sabotaging opportunities that shine a light on our brilliance and intentionally seek out and attract visibility opportunities that celebrate our true selves.

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

Episode 97 – It’s Gonna Be HARD QUEEN!

When it comes to your epic shit, have you decided that it’s going to be hard? I think we can all agree that accomplishing your epic shit is hard. It requires a great deal of self-responsibility and accountability. Not only that, but you have to be consistent in your new attitudes and behavior required to achieve your goals.

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

Episode 95 – Is your Love on Auto-Pilot?

In a world that keeps preaching on and on about self-love, it’s hard to believe that self-love is not easy. In fact, self-love, much like other forms of love, takes work, time, and patience to cultivate.

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

Episode 94 – The Value of Coaching Series with Karen Livingstone

As high-achieving women of color, we know what it feels like to walk into a room and be the only one who looked like you. To be asked your opinion on a project that lacks diversity and inclusion. To frequently be asked to participate in conversations where the expectation is that your opinion speaks for all voices from your community. And not be able to talk about specific topics that are important to your culture because no one around you can relate from personal experience.

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

Episode 93 – Ready is not a THANG!

Listen, ready is not a thang! “Being ready” is a measure of whether we think we will fail or succeed at something, that is all. We can be the most prepped and primed version of ourselves and still not feel “ready” to take that next step. This is because readiness happens in our minds. 

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

Episode 92 – Paying Full-Price, WAT??

To explain this point I will use the example of a purchase. When it comes to making a purchase, we often get really excited when we are able to get the hook up on that purchase or obtain it from a sale. Notice that in this scenario you experience a dopamine hit. This is because getting the hookup creates a feeling of pleasure and reward, which motivates you to repeat a specific behavior.

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

Episode 91 – The Hope of Our Wrongness

Have you ever felt that when bad things happen, that must mean that you are not a good person, like, karma has come to get you? And so you go on a search to find what is wrong in hopes of fixing it so that everything will be good again.

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

Episode 88 – The Ultimate Peace for the High Achieving Black Woman

Today we are discussing one of the most common topics that my clients present to me during our coaching session. It comes in different variations but what it boils down to is that as high-achieving women we want to do more to reach a level of peace but that level is not attainable because as soon as we think we’ve reached the level, there is yet another mountain that we need to climb.

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

Episode 87 – Stop Playing Squirrel with Your Decisions

Are you playing squirrel with your decisions? This happens when we make a decision and instead of honoring the decision, we keep remaking the same decision over and over again. We do this because deep down we think that the answer to accomplishing that decision is outside of us.

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

Episode 82 – An Interview with the Deeply Rooted April Cohort

For those of you who are thinking about joining this room full of women and would appreciate some insight on what you can expect, I have a treat for you. After the most recent weekly call with the current cohort, I just asked a couple of the participants to stay on and talk about what their experience has been like and the impact that Deeply Rooted has provided for them thus far. 

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

Episode 81 – Finding Peace with LaTida

As high-achieving women, we are always leveling up and achieving new heights of success. One thing that is certain when you succeed is the various expectations that you place on yourself and that others place on you.

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

Episode 80 – Do you Trust YOU?

Today we will continue our conversation about the ABCs that you need to accomplish epic shit.
Last week I shared that the C of the ABC is circulation. We must make a decision and commitment to circulate our epic shit into the world so that others can benefit.

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

Episode 79 – Are You Using Unoxygenated Blood?

What I’ve noticed a lot is that people ask for coaching in one area but haven’t addressed another and so the results that they expect aren’t there. To put it another way, I’ll equate it to CPR. To effectively complete CPR you must work on the ABCs (airway, breathing, chest compressions) in that order. If you don’t clear the airway first and jump right into chest compressions then you are essentially just circulating unoxygenated blood throughout the body.  

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

Episode 78 – Then What Is It?

Last week we played the what-if game. What if all these obnoxious thoughts we had on consistent bases had nothing to do with our worthiness yet they continue to hinder us from creating epic shit? Right.

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

Episode 77 – What If?

Today we are going to play the what-if game.As high achieving women being marginalized and growing up in the way that we have, we’ve been conditioned with all these negative thoughts in our brains that we have to fight against on a daily basis.

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

Episode 76 – Be Obnoxious

Contrary to what you may have heard, in most cases, you get more benefit from sharing your desire than if you don’t, and the most important person you need to share it with consistently is YOU!

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EP. 200 Breaking Free from Stress: Why You’re Stuck, Silent, and Sick—Plus How to Take Back Control

Episode 75 – They Don’t Get Me!

Have you ever thought to yourself, “they don’t get me”? Listen, if you’re a high-achieving black woman, you’re probably talking about some things that some people don’t get.

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Episode 74 – Are You Binge-Watching Your Lower Brain?

Episode 74 – Are You Binge-Watching Your Lower Brain?

Do you know how these series get us hooked and cause us to binge-watch? It’s because they end each episode with a cliffhanger that leaves your brain wanting to know and figure out what will happen next. And so you keep watching one episode after another until you’ve binge-watched the series.

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Looking for a specific episode?

Ep. 202 When You’re Giving Too Much And Getting NOTHANG In Return!

This episode is dedicated to all the Black women who bear the weight of their families, jobs, partners, and friends, while often neglecting themselves. Join Brig as she highlights the historical and cultural expectations placed on Black women to be caretakers, and the...

EP. 198 The farewell to “Breakthrough with Brig”

As we hit Episode 198 of "Breakthrough with Brig," we find ourselves at a crossroads of emotions and excitement. This episode marks the end of an era, as Brig announces the retirement of this beloved podcast. For many listeners, "Breakthrough with Brig" has been a...

EP. 191 {Throwback} Stop Playing Squirrel with Your Decisions

In a world where we're constantly bombarded with advice and opinions, it's easy to lose sight of our own inner wisdom. Today Brig dives deep into a subject that touches every aspect of our lives—decisions. Brig explores the frequent coaching topic of decision-making...

EP. 190 The Value of Coaching with Tawny Ann De La Peña

In this eye-opening episode, Brig sits down with Twany, a client and fellow coach, to discuss the intricacies of coaching across different marginalized identities. Twany shares her transformative journey, revealing how coaching helped her navigate complex family...

EP. 188 The Value of Coaching with TaVona

Ever wondered what it's like to have a friend who's also your coach? In this heartwarming and insightful episode, Brig welcomes her bestie and fellow coach, TaVona, to dive deep into the unique dynamics of their “froach” relationship. From the highs and lows of their...

EP. 187 Health Setbacks: Building Strength From The Ground Up

In this empowering episode of Women Winning Series, we explore the resilience of the human spirit with the remarkable Felicia Cox, also known as the Iron Diva. As a renowned IFBB Pro bodybuilder, fitness expert, and survivor, Felicia shares her harrowing experience of...

EP. 184 An Interview with Simone Williams: Shortening The Gap

In this special episode, Brig welcomes back a truly inspiring guest for her third appearance. This episode is a deep dive into the journey of resilience, healing, and self-acceptance with Simone Williams. Join the conversation as Simone shares her transformative...

EP. 182 Are Your Problems Paralyzing You? (Problem Series Part 2)

If you're stuck in a state of perplexity that has left you paralyzed, then this episode is a must-listen. In this follow-up to episode 181, What To Do If You’re Perplexed By Your Problems (Problem Series Part 1), Brig introduces us to the transformative PARTS method –...

EP. 179 Stop Overcommitting! Learn to Say “No” at Work

Are you caught in the endless cycle of overcommitting at work? Get ready to dive deep into the pitfalls of being a "yes machine" at work and how it can sabotage not only your success but also your well-being. In this episode, Brig challenges the notion that saying yes...

EP. 178 Why You Need To Do This Now To Survive A Health Crisis!

Have you ever thought about your health as a bank account? In this episode, you’ll learn why your health is a form of wealth that requires careful investment and saving. Join in as Brig introduces the life-changing concept of a Health Emergency Fund – a strategic...

EP. 177 Struggling with Loneliness? Find Out How 8 Minutes Can Help

As high achieving black women, we're no strangers to stress, and it's vital we're prepared for those inevitable moments when we're at our wit's end. In this episode Brig dives into a pressing issue that's often whispered about but rarely confronted head-on: the...

About Brig

Brig Johnson is a Master Certified Life Coach, on a mission to help HIGH ACHIEVING Black Woman Win by shifting their mindset. 

Brig’s unique approach combines her knowledge as an Advanced Practice health care provider with her skill as a Life coach. She gets laser-focused on thought loop errors her clients may be experiencing and explains it in such a way that her clients have more clarity.  She not only walks her clients through the process of releasing and replacing beliefs that keep them stuck, but she explains why they are there in the first place.

Her brash, direct style helps clients see themselves with clarity.  And her compassion for the work keeps them coming back.  

Her clients GET RESULTS through the process of creating a personal revolution in their thinking, and her signature  3 step process is easy and effective.  

After coaching with her, you will be your OWN SHERO creating a life you LOVE to live, recognizing your worth through sufficiency in every situation.